Učite engleski sa Belmom / BBBelma Bjelić

Lesson 1 / Lekcija 1: Moje ime je Belma / My name is Belma

1. Listen and read!

Belma: Hello, my name is Belma! My surname is Bjelic. Benjamin is my brother.
Benjamin: Hi, my name is Benjamin! My surname is Bjelic. Belma is my sister!
Samir: Hi, my name is Samir and my surname is Bjelic, Samir Bjelic! Benjamin and Belma is a my children.
Selma: My name is Selma. My surname is Bjelic. Belma and Benjamin is my children, too.

 2. Listen and read in Bosnian:

Belma: Zdravo, moje ime je Belma! Prezivam se Bjelić. Benjamin je moj brat.
Benjamin: Zdravo, moje ime je Benjamin. Prezivam se Bjelić

3. Listen and sing!

Lesson 2: Natalija se izgubila! / Natalie is lost!

1. Listen and read!

Natalija: Boohoo!
Belma: Hello!
Natalija: Hello!
Belma: What's your name?
Natalija: My name is Natalie!
Belma: What's your surname?
Natalija: My surname is Stosic!
Belma: Ok Natalie! Where's your mommy?
Natalija: At home!
Belma: Where's your daddy?
Natalija: At home, too!
Belma: Where's your sister?
Natalija: At school, boohoo!
Belma: Ok, but where's your home?
Natalija: I don't know!
Belma: Ok Natalie, this is my home! How old are you?
Natalija. I eleven!
Belma: You are very good and big girl! Do you like ice cream?
Natalija: Yes!

2. Listen and read in Bosnian!:
 Natalija: Boohoo!
Belma: Zdravo!
Natalija: Zdravo!
Belma: Kako se zoveš?
Natalija: Zovem se Natalija!
Belma: Kako se prezivaš?
Natalija: Prezivam se Stosić!
Belma: Ok Natalija! Gdje je tvoja mama?
Natalija: U kući!
Belma: Gdje je tvoj tata!
Natalija: U kući, isto!
Belma: Gdje je tvoja sestra?
Natalija: U školi, boohoo!
Belma: Ok, ali gdje je tvoja kuća?
Natalija: Ne znam!
Belma: Ok Natalija, ovo je moja kuća! Koliko imaš godina?
Natalija: Imam jedanaest godina!
Belma: Ti si veoma dobra i velika djevojka! Da li voliš sladoled?
Natalija: Da!

Lesson 3/ Lekcija 3: Ko je to?/ Who is this?

1. Listen and read!
Natalija: Who is this?
Belma: This is my mum Selma. She is nice and good mum!
Natalija: My mum is good and nice, too! Her name is Valentine!
Natalija: Who is this, too?
Belma: This is my dad Samir. She is nice, good and little funny!
Natalija: My dad is nice and good too, but my dad is not funny! His name is Borivoje!
Natalija: Who is this, too?
Belma: This is my brother Benjamin. She is nice, good and funny as my dad Samir!
Natalija: My sister is good and nice too, but is not funny as your brother! Her name is Victoria!
Natalija: And who is this? Is this your sister?
Belma: No Natalie! This is my best friend Selma! She is nice, good, smart and great as me! Her love basketball as me!
Natalija: My best friend is Sarah. He is good, very great and smart as your friend.
 ( ding-dong)
Natalija: Victoria, this is my new friend Belma! She is good, smart, nice and great. Belma this is my older sister Victoria!
Belma: My name is Belma! I'm glad to meet you, Victoria!
Victoria: I'm glad to meet you, too Belma!
Natalija: Goodbye, Belma! See you next time!
Belma: Goodbye, Natalie!

Lesson 4/ Lekcija 4: I'm a pupil!/ Ja sam učenik!

1. Listen and read!
Belma: Hi everybody! Remember me? Ok, everybody! My name is Belma! I'm ten! I'm a pupil! I love books and TV! I'm great and smart pupil!
Natalija: Hello, my name is Natalie! I'm eleven! I'm a pupil, too! I love books too! I'm great, good and smart pupil, too!
Bakir: Hello, my name is Bakir! I'm fourteen! I'm a pupil! I love computer games, but i'm good, great and smart pupil, too!
Lejla: Hi! My name is Lejla!


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